Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Blessings Of Friends

The Blessings Of Friends is so important to us as we all live on this earth daily routines goes by and often times fads away, moments, years as our lives takes it turns. Often times we all have taken ones own place back in time in looking at those yesterdays then as we look we begin to see what our own journeys have led us. We notices a mirrored images of what we did, where we went, what trips we had taken, and what we had done in that one's book of our friends. What was those events that had taken place in one's own times of needs, issues, crisis,in what had gone down at those time as being friends. We begin to see ourselves as we had come together in expressing current needs, or someones epidemic of our shallowness in each others relationships. We then had faced and embraced one another and returned to a serene moments of jubilee of what had happened and began to be moving in such a different times and places as each day passed between friendships. We of times gathered in those functions at our local church in giving such support, God helping scriptures to help keep each other focused on better solutions and in prayer in making it though so many times of owns own issues, habits, hang - ups that we had faced head -on in building each other - up in God's righteousness, in finding out all new meanings and fulfillments in God's timless principles that are gems and jewels about each others own relationships we found out in receiving each others burdens in the long run as of course we had weeped over our situations, our heart had cried as well. But we listened, prayed with one another believed in one another, and we all had rejoiced with one another when "Joy" came beaming in those lives of our friendships as we still hang -on in that beauitful blessings of friends. We all truly have one's own uniqueness in ones own nature, that fathomness, divine purpose, and that instilled values that Our God has truly givine us all as His grown kids. How He truly enlighed our lives in His understanding, importances in building our lives as we grow -up in Him as we began to see our own divine worth and purposes togather . That's "The Blessings Of Friends " I just wanted to share this with each of you today because each of you means alot to me, such love and caring people in the Lord. As well on our every day in our own journey we have such a priviledge that knowing each other is that experience that I truly don't ever want to miss at all. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Here is some of my favorite scriptures about "Frienships" that I want to share with each of you today: Wen we have had done all those things first; then we unloaded everything unto Jesus and in doing so this is where we had taken our very own souls to at those very times. His anger lasts for a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may go on all night, but joy comes with the morning. [Ps.30:5] N.L.T As we looked deeply in the heart of God in all of nights that was so wavering,emotions, crying bouts, that was in the air in those long, long evening where we had shared in those emotions and toils of what, where, whom had us in such a splendor of enticements of such events that had taen place in each other this is where we went and allowed our Jesus to take us where He wanted us to go in our own lives and then left it at His Feet. I pray that your love for each other will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in your knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until Christ returns.May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation[b]--those good things that are produced in your life by Jesus Christ--for this will bring much glory and praise to God. [Phil.1:9-11] N.L.T.

Here is a Poem that I had found in a Book and it's Writer is :'Edgar Guest" he died in 1959 but his poem is so very down to earth in this writing. It truly captures just what " Being A Friend truly is unto us all. This transcends generations and captures down - to earth poem on all of those right relationships are all about. " Be A Friend " Be a friend, You don't need money; Just a disposition sunny; Just the wish to help one another. Get along some way or another; Just kindley hand extended. Out to one who's unbefriended; Just the will to give or lend, This will make you someones friend. Be A=a friend. You don't need glory. Friendship is a simple story. Pass by triffling errors blindly, Gaze on honest effort kindly, Cheer the youth who's bravely trying, Pity him a labor spend. On the duties of a friend. Be a friend. The pay is bigger (Thought not written by a figure) Than earned by people clever. In what 's merely self - endeavor. You'll have friends instead of neighbors; You'll be richer in the end. Then a prince, if you're a friend. catcmo2006


  • At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Brethrens in the lord Jesus Christ, my name is Sylvester Onyejebechi Mafiana Jr, I am so pleased with the websit, so I have to leave my foot print comments as follows: Brethrens kindly kindly keep your good works up and I kindly solicit your able help for you to pray for me on a daily bases to be delievered from the hands of witches and wizards in my fathers house and community called Onicha-Ugbo in Delta state of Nigeria, to enable me move forward in life by ways of Settling down to get married at age 46yrs, and being able to archieve breakthrough in the businesses I am engaged to. May the Almighty God Continue to strenghtn you all in your works. Amen


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