Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Healing Service Procedure

Healing Service Procedure

The following is a recommended healing service procedure and is a brief service that is easy for an unwell person to cope with and which ministers healing, hope, love and comfort to the sick through faith-filled prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. The main part of the service is 45 minutes, the ministry time 15 minutes and the supper 20 minutes - feel free to adapt it to suit your own needs.

Note: The service should be something that you are comfortable with and perhaps initially a "once per month" event until it gathers momentum. Behind this order of service are two concerns a)That sick people will feel cared for and thought of and not be asked to engage in an unduly long service or in a high level of physical activity. b) That the church will operate out of truth and genuiness not out of "hype".

Before The Service(45 mins) 6:15-7:00

The team meets for prayer, Bible study and personal encouragement. The team prays specifically forJesus to be manifest among them and through them. They ask for the authority and power to heal all sicknesses and all people. The team is thus "prayed up", faith-filled and ready before the service. Specific known needs can also be prayed for at this time of pre-service intercession.

Introduction 7:00-7:02

Because of the unusual nature of the healing ministry a brief word of explanation at the start of each service is in order. I would anticipate it going something like this:

"Welcome to the SmithTown Church and our healing ministry. We want you to feel at home here. We are just ordinary Christians who believe that God has called us to pray for those who are ill. We just do the praying - Jesus does all the healing. If you are a visitor we would like you to feel at ease. You won't have to pray aloud, give money, or join the church. We will sing a few songs which you can join in if you feel like it, then there will be a short sermon on healing and a time when we pray for the sick. We will not ask you to do anything embarrassing, dangerous or foolish. We want you to feel the love of God in this place and to be made whole."

Worship 7:02-7:15

Three songs plus a two minute personal testimony of healing. Songs should not just be personal favourites but be deliberately chosen to connect people to God and make them aware of the healing power that is in Jesus Christ. Songs that have good Scriptural content and that faith can "latch on to" are very helpful. Avoid songs that merely consist of a connection of unsubstantiated claims of power. They produce the sensation of unreality and people feel they are being "hyped up' and start to distrust the service and God.

Communion 7:15-7:25

Focus on the wounds of Christ and their healing power (Isaiah 53). Focus also on sins being dealt with through the cross. A time of confession is approriate as forgiveness and healing are often linked in the NT. (see James 5:14-16 for one example).

Sermon/Homily 7:25-7:45

A twenty minute factual presentation of God's Word focussing on healing, forgiveness, answered prayer etc. Should be a convincing presentation of what God can do for those who call upon His Name. No rash promises just words you can believe in.

Prayer Ministry 7:45-8:00

People can either come to the front for prayer or just raise their hands where they are. The prayer team moves around praying quietly and confidentially with each one. Difficult cases can be taken to a side room.

Supper 8:00-8:20

Just coffee and biscuits. Allows contacts to be made and follow up to occur.


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