Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Please Continue to Pray For me !

Please Continue to Pray For me !
Please Continue to Pray For me !
Please Continue to Pray For Me ! I know that I haven't been on-line since I've been battling with sickness and Surergeries as well . I'm still very much under a doctor's care and they are doing their best to get to the bottom of everything to heal me at this very time this coming "Friday Morning" I'll be heading to another place as my regular Doctor is sending me to a specialist in Neurologist. To help me with my headakes that had been hurting to which it has made me sick. Test will be taken to get to the bottom of the source of it all.I'm still healing from my last sugery the outside of my neck is healing great but the inside is slowly healing and some of my throat is numb , jaw area is numb neck is very sore to touch. They have now given me different medicines to take and some of them help me to rest. In the near future I'll be having a complete Hysterectomy they are trying to find a doctor that will specialize in that area so that will be done. Then back to vascular doctor to finish up the last blockage that they have left for last to take care of at that time. So , now, You all know that I in need of prayers to keep the hand of the Lord upon me during everything that is going on with me. I, for One will be so very glad when this is all done. I know that My Precious Lord Jesus Christ will be carrying my hubsand and I through this time together in unity of God. I am "Thanking Him & Praising Him all through this time and "Thank each of You for up-lifting us in your homes and church family too. God Bless each of You during these times as we have asked for prayers. catcmo2006


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