Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Sunday, July 30, 2006



Prayer Request submitted will be added for a period of 2 weeks.
1.Jack & Shirley Riggs: Their unspoken prayer request was answered. Thank You for your prayers and above all - Thank You Lord. 2. Fred & Opal McClellan : Pray for Fred - he had sugery Monday July 24. 3. David Mullnic: Pray for his sister Gloria Jenkins, who has cancer spreading quickly through her body,now in her liver and bones. Time is the essence. 4. Unknown: Pray for Mary Lankford - she is going to the hospital as a out - patient for evaluating what is to be thought to be Berry Aneurysm in the lower part of her brain. 5. Unknown: Pray for Shiela Fleming - heart sugery and recovery. 6. Mark Cook: Pray for his grandmother, Etta, who may have had a silent heart attack. 7. Louetta Norris: Pray for her brother, Denver Wood, who had an open heart sugery Tuesday. 8. Unknown: Pray for Trisha who is having a hard time feeling valuable to life after going through a divorce. 9. Unknown: Pray for David & Genesis - Pray for they find their way back to God through all trials and tribulations they are facing in their lives right now. 10. Diana Monroe: Pray for Kelly Monroe - starting a new Job and healing of her neck and back pain from a car accident. Kim Miller- expecting to have twins. Please pray that the babies turn. Mostly that they are healthy. Diana Monroe - Mike Cambell getting married. 11. Unknown: Pray for Debbie Beem, Ronnie Sims, Margie King, Mary Alleman - Salvation. 12. Unknown: Pray for job of the Lord's will. Pray for continued hope, strength, love and peace and the ability to do everything God's way alway's. 13. Robert Tuckness : Pray for his son, daughter - Christina and son - in - law Anthony. Christi Blackburn: Pray for her brother, Brian, to recieve Jesus Christ. Pray for her friend, Donna, to find a passion for Christ so nothing keeps him from serving God. 14. Sarah Anderson: Pray for her cousin to get to collage in Springfield safely. 15. Stephanie Jaramillo: Pray for her family while they are finding a church home. 16. Jessie Jarmillo: Pray for his grandfather, John Cain, to have to dive safe on the road while he is driving a semi- truck. 17. Unknown:Pray that people would be drawn closer [family,neighbors,worker and all we are in contack with]. 18. Mary Noland: Praise ! She had the test on her lungs and thier is No mass. The doctor's can't explain it. Thanks for Your prayers ! 19. Lori Upton: Praise ! Irene Upton [Jeff's Mom] is home and recovering and she is a Miracle ! Thanks for Your prayers - because God is giving us more time with her. Thank You ! 20. Unknown: Giving thanks for many things that has happened this past week - for the many blessings recieved. 21. Christy Mitchell : Pray for her child and her health and her grandfather. 22. unknown: Pray for Nedra and Glen Thomas. Nedra is having health problems and Glen is taking care of her. 23. Unknown: Pray for her mother Rhonda, who recently went through sugery and is in a lot of pain. Pray for healing. 24. Michele Shultz: Pray for God's guidance in possible job change and returning to collage. 25. Paula Davies: Pray for Kelli Davies: Pray for Kelli Davies who is having health problems. 26. Erica Campos: Pray for my grandfather, Kenneth who has cancer. Bud Marshell had a stroke. Pray for healing for them and the unborn child's tumor on her brain. 27. Christi Blackburn: Pray for Ross & Nancy - healing for thier marriage. 28. Jordyn Ekberg: Pray for friends and family, especially her mom & dad. 29. Michelle Anderson: Pray for her family. Grandpa's cancer has returned and it may be spreading. Pray for her walk with Jesus Christ. 30. Amber: Pray for her sister. Thank You . 31. T. C. Steemstry: Pray for her daughter,Shana, who has cancer. 33. Evelyn Driscoll: She has cancer. Please for her, Pastor Ron, and thier girls during this time. Pray for Evelyn as she continues radiation. Pray for Tori as she is in India for the next 6 months. She arrives there on June 15th.
I am very "Thanful" for All the "Prayer Warrior's" in keeping the Brother's & Sister's uplifted in thier prayers ! close1in1956


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