Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Friday, July 07, 2006

Fw: Pray for

BEIT LAHIYA, Gaza Strip (AP) - Palestinian militants armed with AK-47s and
Rocket-propelled grenades battled Israeli helicopters and tanks Thursday in
The bloodiest day since Israel invaded Gaza over a soldier's capture. At
Least 21 Palestinians and one Israeli soldier died.
Israeli troops retook three empty Jewish settlements nearly a year after
Abandoning them, seeking to carve out a temporary buffer zone in the
Northern Gaza Strip to prevent militants from firing more rockets into
After touring Gaza main hospital, Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh
Of the Islamic militant group Hamas called for international intervention to
Stop the Israeli offensive, which he called a "crime against humanity."
Haniyeh said the Israeli push was "a desperate effort to undermine the
Palestinian government under the pretext of a search for the missing soldier
Throughout the day, Israeli aircraft fired missiles at militants while
Israeli tanks took up positions among tightly packed Palestinian homes.
Apache helicopters hovered overhead, firing flares and machine guns to
Support ground troops fighting masked Palestinian gunmen.
Interior Minister Said Siyyam issued the Hamas-led Palestinian
Administration's' first call to arms since Israel invaded last week, urging
Gaza security forces to fulfill their "religious and moral duty to stand up
To this aggression and cowardly Zionist invasion."
Siyyam doesn't carry much weight with Palestinian security forces, however,
Because most are loyal to the rival Fatah party led by the moderate
Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas.
Earlier this week, Hamas militants fired two rockets into the southern
Israeli city of Ashkelon. No one was hurt, but the rockets were the first to
Reach a major Israeli population center, indicating militants have obtained
Lo! nger-ran ge weapons.
In response, Israeli troops moved into the densely populated towns of Beit
Lahiya and Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza, where militants often launch
Rockets. The army said all attacks were aimed at militants.
"We are doing the utmost effort ... To avoid civilian casualties," said
Another military official, Brig. Gen. Ido Nehushtan. "Really, there is no
Other way of operating against terrorists who are operating inside their own
Civilian populations."
Israel began its ground invasion June 28, three days after militants linked
To Hamas captured Israeli Cpl. Gilad Shalit, 19, in a daring cross-border
Raid. Israeli officials said they would do what was necessary to get the
Soldier back.
On Thursday, the fighting swelled - and so did the death toll.
Israeli helicopter gunships circled over the outskirts of Beit Lahiya,
Providing support fire as Israeli tanks maneuvered among tightly packed
Palestinian homes.
Infantrymen took over one family's house, locking the inhabitants on the
Bottom floor of the home and posting snipers on the upper floors. Outside,
Armored bulldozers pushed up sand embankments to shelter tanks.
Palestinian militants, many wearing black masks, crept down narrow alleys to
Get close to Israeli forces and open fire with AK-47s and rocket-propelled
Several militants were seen carrying bombs with electric cables to be buried
In alleys or near roads and set off as tanks passed by.
During lulls in the fighting, some Palestinian women and children fled their
Homes and left the area on foot.
Ali Ajrami, a tailor living in a farm house in Beit Lahiya, was trapped with
His nine children in one room after Israeli tanks parked in a garden behind
His house and special forces took position on the rooftops of neighboring
Buildings. Gunfire could be heard nearby.
"We are trapped. I don't know what to do," he said. Ajrami said he had
Stocked up food and diesel fuel before the offensive, but w! as strug gling to
Keep his children indoors.
Twenty-one Palestinians were reported killed during the day, including nine
Palestinians who died from airstrikes in the Beit Lahiya area.
A spokesman for the Palestinian Health Ministry, Khaled Radi, said he didn't
Know how many civilians were among the dead. He said 67 people had been
Wounded, including 20 children.
Hamas said six of the dead were its members.
An Israeli soldier died in one skirmish - the first Israeli casualty of the
Offensive, which has seen a total of 28 Palestinian deaths.
Lt. Col. Yaniv, a battalion commander, said there had been stiff resistance.
"The Palestinians have been firing rocket-propelled grenades, automatic
Weapons, and setting off explosive devices," said Yaniv, who only gave his
First name under military regulations.
Palestinian militants launched eight homemade rockets at southern Israel on
Thursday, including five in a one-hour period and one that landed off the
Coast of Ashkelon. No damage or injuries were reported.
A buffer zone could be the only way to keep Israeli population centers out
Of rocket range. But such a zone brings back bitter memories of the security
Zone Israel carved out in southern Lebanon for 18 years in an attempt to
Prevent Hezbollah guerrillas from firing rockets at Israel.
Hezbollah still fired rockets, and southern Lebanon became a deadly
battlefield. Pressure from concerned parents and Israelis opposed to the
occupation forced Israel to withdraw in May 2000.
Acting on behalf of Arab nations, Qatar circulated a draft resolution to put
before the U.N. Security Council demanding that Israel end its offensive and
release Palestinian officials detained during the operation.
The draft drew opposition from the United States and France, which called it
unbalanced in its criticism of Israel. France's ambassador said he would
offer changes, but U.S. Ambassador John Bolton suggested Washington opposed
the resolution entirely - ! raising the possibility the U.S. would exercise
its veto on the council to block the resolution.
In Rome, Italy's foreign minister called the scale of Israel's offensive out
of proportion, Italian news agencies reported.
"It's unthinkable that to save one hostage we would embark in an operation
that would cause the deaths of dozens of people," the reports quoted Massimo
D'Alema as saying.
Shalit's captors have demanded that Israel release hundreds of Palestinian
prisoners in exchange for information about the soldier. Israel has publicly
refused to negotiate, but could be indirectly communicating with Hamas
through mediators from Egypt and Turkey.
On Thursday, Noam Shalit, the captive's father, urged Israel to consider
releasing Palestinian prisoners in exchange for his son.
"Everything has a price. I don't think there will be some sort of move to
free Gilad without a price. That's not the way it works in the Middle East,"
the elder Shalit said in his first comment on the government's handling of
the affair.
Associated Press writer Sarah El Deeb contributed to this report from Gaza City.

This is Good and is so true. We really need to Pray for Israel.
A Family That Prays Together
Stays Together! catcmo2006


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