Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Morning Prayer

Dear Precious Heavenly Father, whom art in the heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name. For Thy kingdom come as we come before you this day in giving you our thanksgiving and praises in this beauitful day that You've allowed us to wake-up to in Amercia , For we are we do rejoice and are glad of it only because their are other countries that are in battles before you this day. In the blessed Name of Jesus Christ we boldly claim in coming against the devour in having any plots, rebuing of any canceling plot's schemes, traps in deisres,thoughts where the enemy is trying to defeat us and ,Isreal, Afganistan simply because Your Holy Name of Jehovah has all the powerful weapons, strategically have placed all of your provisions around us and all other nations in fighting with Your most powerful weapons in having Your angles going forth before them in providing them Your arsenal of those mighty weapons in protecting them. We now bind-up all of those powers of darkness in which we come against them and boldly declare to loose all of the powers of heaven which are at our disposal,in the name of Jesus Christ. So they cannot move and loose the ministering spirits upon them for greater is he that is in us then he that is in this world until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth voilence, and violence taketh by force and none of the gates in Hell shall not prevail upon those lands,for ,In the Name of Jesus, we do paralyze the heavy strong man. The devil may be powerful with all of his angelic powers, But our God has mighty powers is Almighty God, that he or man cannot resist the powers of darkness unless he has greater power dwelling in himself.We release the captivity of the prisioners that those powers of darkness has taken hold of and declare them set free and the chains unbound, and to confuse, distort all of the minds in the enemies camp in setting the prisioners free in Jesus Name.Allow the sprinking of Your blood Father cover the prisioners and break those chains in releasing them in being brought to freedom without any harm done unto them in Jesus'Name. For You have said in the Word... "If my people are called by by name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and then You will forgive them of their sins, and heal thier land. Father we come to ask to touch those lives that in those lands whether foe or not in healing them from those minds that have come against Your children No matter where they are, No matter how far in having new minds of whom you are in all human beings in turning from darkness and powers of which they have laid hold of that so dear to them and change those minds in thse emotions in one personal life before you.We ask that You bring healing and perform miracles before them in those lands and in the U.S.A rather it be in hospitals, in vehicles that transportation of all kinds in all peoples. Comfort them, give them peace, love of whom you are in inside of those people make a way for them in seeing you and thier eyes have been opened up to themselves in having that inner knowing that brings freedom to those lives that are hurtting and are less fortunate, show up at that right time for each person Father, and with those whom have much in turning countless of live back unto you No matter where they are today. Let your will be done before them,In the 'Name of Jesus Christ we just thank You in advance and give you all the praises from our mouths for all the miracles, restorations, and that mighty power that only You can give and being an on time Jehovah -Jire, Jehovah-Shamma is alway's with us in his might provsions in Him taking care of all people because He's our Jehovah - Tsidkenu alway's and forever. Thank you for Your protection,loving-kindness, in remembering all things in all situations that we forgot to mention in situations that You already know us and have taken care of us today and everyday. We ask these things in according to Your will and in your precious name that anoints us with Your heavenly scented oil that cover us and other nations before you. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen . catcmo2006


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