Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Today's Daily Word

I express the joy of God within me in a celebration of life.
My celebration of life is about sharing my inner joy with others. The celebration of joy grows as it continues to be shared from person to person.
I give _expression to my inner joy in quiet ways. I may knit a hat or make a ceramic figure and pass it on as a gift. Perhaps I will never know how often the hat is worn or where the statue will be displayed. I do know, however, that I am doing more than giving a gift. I am also sharing the joy of creating something for someone else.
The joy within me reaches out in exuberant words and actions also. I enjoy the laughter and fun times shared in the company of those near and dear to me. Joy flows on, carried to many destinations in an ongoing celebration of life.
Honor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his place.—1 Chronicles 16:27 Hallelujah ! The Glory Of God may be manifested in our presence and give what is due unto him because we highly exalt Him, honor Him as our precious Lord Jesus Christ whom is the greater of All things in this earth in whom he presented to mankind to be care takers of what has been given unto us. Let's glorify Him as a great God, and is always greatly to be praised by the lips of our mouths in knowing the trinity of the Living God whom is our Father whom is sitting at the right hand of His only begotton Son ... Jesus Christ. He reigns as ruler, judgements,and above all He Owns it All, No one on this earth can claim it...No Way! It belongs God only !He is in the Holy Spirit whom shows us such truths in his divine scriptures in whom He is and what He's all about as He comes to us in being edified, instructed as we make those words be known unto all mankind as it's sue unto the Lord in giving him thanks and praises unto our God the Father, His (Son Jesus Christ unto this world in whom He calls (heathens ) whom are strangers in which all deeds are known unto God,and are not aquainted with the Lord God nor fully in allegiance to him, nor in all adorations of Him nor fear our Godand have religious preformances in what they do daily in those lives. So let us always be encourager, full of love, grace, mercy and of value before one another faithfully whom loves, abides in Jesus Christ in each other's adorations of our most High God, Elohim,his prmises comes forth unto those whom has an abiding relationship in Him. And we have an everlasting Non- exempt in those whom have a daily relationship unto the Lord sin sharing the same intersts of God's kingdom unto all others in this vast wide world. In all things we have strengths, joy, laughter,in which He manisfested himself in those whom seek Him, worship Him,for we our acient of days in our lives todayas we up-hold the Lord of Glory in prasing Him in one's reverence of whom He is in our livesas the the whole world rejoices, sing unto His Blessed name of Jesus Christ for He is the Alpha & Omega unto us all. Hallelujah !!!!!!!! Blessed Be the Name of the Lord whom reigns above the earth. We celebrate our life in the Lord Jehovah whom reigns in All of His majesty !!!! catcmo2006


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