Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Friday, January 12, 2007

Praying 4 You!

Praying 4 You : Dear Precious Heavenly Father; I come unto You this Morning in Praying for everyone whom is in need of your preious hands and arms in holding them so very tight as Your Holy Spirit is hovering around them simply because of Your Heart in healing them by being in your beauitful blessed presence that is so awesome that it bring tears unto our hearts that goes down to everyones soul which is sweeping down to our eyes in knowing your right here among us. Thank You Father in hearing our voice coming to your hearing us and taking care of us as your loved ones. Father, You know every single person that is sick and had tempartures with very high fevers,, aches, pains, troubles in all of kinds but yet the people in having mind in one accord, body, soul, spirits that they can't even pray unto You but silently they do within ones own insides that have prayed about it all. Bring your mighty provision unto them in whatever their needs are in all of those situations at hand. If it would be mental, spiritual, emotional, personal, physcial, sickness,fiancial, a new home, work related issues young parents, mothers, children, babies, toddlers, fathers, grandma's, grandpas. aunts, uncles, neices, nephews let them all feel your Holy Spirit fulfilling them as you bring down your wonderful presence all around them.Guide them, speak with them in which doors will be opened up for all of those familes and let them walk into that heavenly presence that enfolds everyone in human frailitiesas this haappens for them in those people giving you all of those praises and glory of which your mercy has shined down upon them. Make a large entry door for them to go through unharmed but in safety as You have taken them with you in all of there steps walking hand in hand with them.You stated in Your Word, Matthew 18:19,"that if two of you agree down here on earth concerninganything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you..."
for us to ask and we would receive."By His stripes we arehealed" and claim healing. Father make a way where there seems to beno way. Wrap each and every single person as they are in You. Let thy will be done according to that pure word.Allow us to be in that reconciliations with them and they seek You each and everyday. Lord Jesus, through the love of the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit fill my life with the gift of healing. Remove from me any fear that blocks my awareness of your caring presence.Reach into my heart and heal any hurt that has brokenit. Every pain that I have caused to another heart .. . Heal that pain as well. Any relationship in mylife that has been damaged . . . Heal those relationships. Give me the courage to be an instrument of your peace.Radiate my spirit with healing for all spiritual cancers—criticism, complaint, and control. Heal me of anything that would keep others from seeing your everlasting presence in my life. Precious Jesus I pray for charlie that You would heal him and touch him like never before for he loves you so very much in his life. Lord, I see him cough, whezze trying to catch his breath so many countless of times in reparing all things that is badly damaged within him. Heal him Father I'm asking, knocking at your door at this very hour. He's been such a blessed gift unto my life and I thank You for it within everything that's within my own soul and give you praises and thanksgiving as well. We both know that You can do anything with all of those doctors report and we call it nullified and crushed and defeated simply it all about You Jesus and Your mighty rushing winds of pwer that break all yokes, bondages, sickness, diseases as we stnd with our amorur on because satan is defeated in Jesus' name...Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Glory, glory unto the Lamb of God.

Touch me Jesus in mind, body and spirit, in all the
ways I need it the most. If it is God's will for me,
grant the physical and emotional healings I seek. But,
most of all, grant me a loving heart and the resolve
to accept the answers you give to my prayer, knowing
that you are always faithful to the promise . . .That
in all things God works for the good of those who
love him. Amen.

catcmo2006 Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.


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