Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Friday, April 28, 2006


Prayer Is A Necessory Part Of Our Lives ! I truly believe whole heartedly that our Prayer life is Truly Necessory ! Why do You may be asking yourself? It brings about change and revivial which brings healing. We can change a nation. Stronholds can be broken and shattering stongholds in one's own life. Satan is Not a dummy by No means. He is fully aware and knows one's fear's and strongholds are his only edge and he's ben attacking your whole inner being through them to literally destroy you before You and I can find it out. How does he does that ? Let's see what it means first so we may be better understand what it truly means. In the orginal (Greek ) word for "Stronghold" ( Ochuroma) which means to fortify by holding safely. A stronghold is what is used to fortify and defend a personal belief, idea or opinion against outside opposition. A stronghold is the fortication around and defense of what You believe, especially when were dead wrong. If you have believed and bought into a lie, you have to fight and protect that belief. That lie might be that you are unloved, unwanted, unnecessary, unsuccessful, unworthy or any other of those "Un" words. If you've decided the lie must be true, you will erected a stronghold to defend your right to believe it. Repeated attempts by those around you to convince you it is a lie will be viewed as an attacks, causing you to reinforce it's protective stronghold. Satan know that and love it. Satan is No minor enemy ! For in Ezekiel 28 tells us he was created perfect and with great wisdom. He made a deadly error of judgement when he challenged God, but he was thrown out of heaven. He is still far smarter than any of us. As a believer, you are very protected by the blood of Jesus Christ and your standing in HIM - but if you have built strongholds around unresolved issues in your life, Satan will be on them like steel on a magnet . He will turn his vast knowledge of your unmet emotional needs, unresolved memories, pain, anger, bitterness, unforgivness and hidden sins into a very large arsenal against You. He will trick and tempt you by circumstances and situations that will reinforce your hurts and pins in doing so by fears of having them all exposed to futher your indwelling pains in your own life. I, personally don't believe that he can read our minds, but what I do think and believe that he has kept a exquisite records of our lives. He and his demonds pals knows exactly how to use that information to bring about those very predictable responses in our daily lives still today. However, Satan is NOT the root of one's problems. He just already uses what already exists. The Root Problem : The root problem is "Valnerability" of a damaged soul and it's strongholds. Erected by a " wounded" soul to keep futher pain out, these strongholds keep the pain in. Erected by a wounded soul protects lies birthed from traumatic experiences, the strongholds keep God's truth out. There are untold numbers of Christians and secular self-help books out on broken families, abusive childhoods, adult children of alcoholics,co-dependency and other forms of dysfunction. Personally, I have been in those places myself and have been in many, many meetings in recovery to know those truths and now I'm in a new recovery whom is fully united by God's people in inhancing my own life through Jesus Christ today. Instead of being in the terrority of Satan grounds which had me locked and bound in his playgrounds of miseries of what had derailed me in the first place. This is my purpose statement: " To pursue a ever growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and through that Relationship, in being set free from our addictive behaviors" . Yet there are still many people out in this world whom hasn't come out of those "self" help programs to futher themselves and see the true God as He sees them in Himself, therfore having a more satisfing fullfilled life in the Lord is the only true way to have in a persons own life. When those kinds of people stay in those places are either agnostic or very dry drunks whom are still searching for something that's alway's missing in one's own life, and all they really have to do is turn self around and shake hands with God himself because He's right there waiting on those countless of lives in many, many of those rooms around the world. Often times I see them "Missing Him" knocking and knocking on those doors on those hearts in having God literally change everything in them as a person. This literally makes my own heart cry out for those people and often times for a while I could hardly bare it until the Lord came unto me and said " Let it go" I Am God whom makes changes in those whom You cry for in your prayers, Allow Me to do what I know best and still be a friend of Me and unto them and speaks truths and allow that work to continue in what I do best because I AM. I did just that and that's when I found a group of people whom believed God just as I and are ever so mindful in growing in Him. Yet there are needs still in this world by many of those folk's and never ever seems like they overcome troubles and they have some of the old lifestyles that shouts outloud but yet unseen by those whom say them in those places, but they have so much of potiental to move on into something far greater than they could ever imagine in one's own present lives, circumstances, situations and above all issues that our God has and will make right before them. We've all have been abused in some way or another in one's own past, but thats not the problem. The problem is, what are you and others going to do about it? Far to many of them people haven't any idea how to do something more constructiive about ones past, to move forward in thier own destiny which is in Jesus Christ. God's Word says He who is in the believer is so much greater than he who is in the world. So, Satan is Not the believer's problem. God's love, promises and faithfulness towards the believer are unchangeable. So God isn't the believer's problem. Binding and loosing make it possible to crucify that old nature and recieve God's full healing and restoration. Many whom read and understan this will already know and understand those truths of binding and loosing in Mathew 16:19 and Matthew 18:18. They may have built a stronghold around that belief and reject new facts of truths. If you identify even silghtly with this ,plwase consider God's truths alway's. Trith alway's can stand testing it. Do not be afraid of finding out you have not had it's full truths. You don't have to keep throwing it out, but inbrace it these truths it just may be the facets of the truths that you have been standing upon in your life that maybe awakened it in you. Then again, You know it already and are using it in your own life. If so, Praise God ! catcmo2006


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