Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Mourn: Let's look at what this word means of the American Heritage Dictionary: Pronounciation :[môrn, mrn] Inflected forms: mourned, mourn·ing, mourns. 1. To feel or express grief or sorrow. See synonyms at grieve. 2. To show grief for a death by conventional signs, as by wearing black clothes. 3. To make a low, indistinct, mournful sound. Used especially of a dove. 1. To feel or express deep regret for: mourned the wasted years. 2. To grieve over (someone who has died). 3. To utter sorrowfully. Mourn'er : Noun Mourn'ingly : Adverb. Let's take it unto My own "Time Zone" Dawn,Twilight at : 6:25 am Evening, Dusk: at 8:06 P.M. This may vary upon where You may live at in different parts of the "United States" in your morning and evening time to be praying as the scripture had pointed out unto us. In one's mouring praying ! The other time in our scriptures says: [Daniel prayed 3x a day], And for us to be " Keeping Alert" [Luke 21:36]. What is the other times of one's praying? [ Praying with out Ceasing: 1 Thess. 5:17; Phil.4:6 Be anxious for Nothing .
Some Bible Referrences that will inhance us in knowing other things that's in a person as well to know just what happens to us as ( We) get it inside of self. [Is.21:12] " Will Inquire" Means to: to cause; to buble -up ; to boil; to cause water to swell; to desire; covet, demand, ask to buldge; to project' to be searched. It suggests a search for what is "Covered" or " Sealed". In Hebrews : Ways of expressing absorption. We have a watchman that alway's warns of impending doom of judgement unless they return unto God. In " Repentance". Here is other scripture for you as well in the same catagory; [Is. 30:13;64:2;Obed.1:6]. I have found more meanings for You as well in the light of the same things as the list above. Meanings: Light, brightness, lighting, laminary, daylight, sunlight, illumnation, enlightment, happiness, cherfulness, Light is an important concept of our Bibles, whether " Literal or Metaphorical. God is very closely asscoiated with it. After all, he created it ( Gen. 1:3), light is an indicator of time , particularly Dawn. ( Gen.44:3; Judg.16:2;Neh.8:3). Light was distinct from laminaries in space ( Gen.1:3). The Sun is the greater light and the Moon is the lesser light. ( Gen.1:16; 136:7). Then they are "Stars of Light" ( Ps.148:13). Like a clock they regulate seasons[Gen. 1:14 ; Ps.104:14;Jer.31:36]. God is a pillar of fire displayed His glory, when in the wilderness: ( Ex.13:21; Job 36:32;Ps.78:48; Ps.77:18; Ps.97:14;Ps.105:39]. The Lampstand was in the Tabernacle ( Num.4:9,16:8:2]. Life is in contrast to death by all of our sinful life that all of us had done to self or by someone else in our lives we've had a part to pay in everything we do or don't do it's just a fact of our lives. Generally speaking: darkness is so closely related in an association that death, failures, sufferings, folly, sins. NOW,mind you that light is associated with life, salvation, prosperity, wisdom, justice. The neates thing is that wonderful glory of God. It carries wealth, it referrs to the soul of a person in being heavy, weighty, honored, renowned,, being honored, esteemed, glorious, ot to be dull, shows oneself , great, almighty, Like being heavy with guit, insensitive, like a heavy ear, severity in being heavy. carries alot of weight, the glory in being heavy, awesome. That Glory was ultimately revealed in Jesus Christ! Isn't this just like the God of whom He is in His word? Whohoo ! That's what he is and does inside of us whom wants to serve Him and in one's prayer life as well. And we often times know this when we have our turn in mourning in giving it. We at times have to be dealing with our sinfulness in asking for ones forgivness unto Him.Why don't see at times what's in us and He reveals it unto us in many different ways in being inmature and always growing in him by or family of brother's and sisters helping us to have one's path made straight in the Lord. We have to being rid of one's own idols in our very lives and they come in many different forms especially as of today's times, They have an apprearence and seen in one's ideas, fancy, vanity, phantoms of one's own mind, objects,image of a very heathen gods,real or imaginary,servile, drudgery, servile, blindly dependent and they will be punished for it, in being that Lord can crack open those skies at any moment.This is the how and why's of we must be praying about others in our lives in which they are dying like being dead, bound-up, twisted, in chains, schackled, and suffering, like others in distance lands. If this nation don't turn back to the Lord .. we'll be next on God's list, were No different than those others nations. We will have so great of suffering, like other nations that we see and hear about on t.v, radio's, internet, our God cries out for all of us, one day we'll be able to see it in one's spirit only because he's allow it to come unto us whom make intercessions. We render one's own heart in compassion and mercy if we show it to others around our lives. He's shown us our own sins daily in keeping ever so close to him and repent is vital for all to do.After all he's already abolished our sins by the way of the cross. We ought not to have any stubborness of one's own heart if one does they have some kind of idoltary of sins in one's own life and it needs to be dealt with and hand it over to the Lord. like what the Lord say's in His words that make people cry when we hear that word ' Woe" only because they have been led astry in one'sown life, and are in very deep grief over it, in being in fear, godly fear, timidity, shrinking on fear, to fleee, runaway, dreadful, horrid to with stand in knowing what avail countless of people in being in disobedience unto the Lord God and having laid up in ones heart knowing what's about to happen to that one dying soul for when it comes all will be lost and won't be able to find one's way back again in needing help to move on in coming back to God and turning one's life around in serving God until he comes for His people. If we just acknowledge it today and be prepared in knowing what will take place in the future by God Himself in one's own spirit . Come and get it in tune with Him so this won't come near any person while yet we have time in being in Jesus christ. He loves us enough to show his love and mercy , then we can help others in our own paths. Christian if everything is set then we don't have to worry about it or be alarmed ,just bring those lost ones home is where one's foucus ought to be because we know whom is with us alway's and forever. I've done my best to get this across the best way I only know how to do, myheart is in the best place it can be in showing this to you inside of self and hopefuly you can take something out of it for one self in learning it as I'm doing today right along with you, only because I don't want to led anyone astray at all, but to see what people can be doing that needs to make wrongs right in our lives in being in the Lord. catcmo2006


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