Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Friday, August 11, 2006

Our Universal Need, Deliver, Freedom, Faith

Our Universal Need, Deliever, Freedom, Faith ( Rom.1:1-32)
____________________________________ All of us have sinned, we have fallen short of God's glorious standard. Reguardless of whether we have fallen deply into one's controlling natures, in some types of addictions, very dysfunctional family units ( past or present) members has escaped severe truma - we are all in need of God . Ever since Adam & Eve rebelled against God, our nature has been to disobey him; we have ignored God's will. We are All powerless in our sin and are in need of God to save us. ____________________________________________ God's Power To Deliver: Our own life is in dire strates in having God to forgive us in one's needs in that sound deliever in being cleansed from All effects of the past . Although we are so very powerless to help one - self out of those pits in which we can't get out of in seeking God in his divine help which really we don't deserve it inactuality in one sense or another in one's own mind. With God's help in his great love, as he reaches out to us in recieving him. Man, this is really great new's for us ! Our own part in life is totally admitting in one's own powerless and to turn our life unto God and our will because he geniunely loves us. _________________________________________________________________________________ The road to Freedom : Because God attacks the problem at one's own very roots of our problems - that is, he has made it, possible for us to have freedom and totally being free.Through God's power, our life can and will be more managable. Although this process just isn't so easy, over a period of time we can become to be like Jesus Christ as we walk in him on a daily basis. The better we know him, the more impowerment by him we can be in our life. By continuing on going basis in taking an inventory, confessing our sins, asking Jesus Christ for his forgivness, and seeking to make one's admends to those whom we have literally harmed and wronged, then we can to totally in his freedom which bring unto us that he brings unto our life. __________________________________________________________________________________ The Role Of Faith: Much is described in the importance of faith or trust in God. "It's through faith that a righteous person has life" ( 1:7). There is No other way in one's own life in becoming free unless we have faith is very central way of life. The process begins in " faith" when we truly trust in God and will of our very life all over to him, and as we take each step of a new way in walking with him what we do is to take each tiny step towards God in faith. There is never ever any kind of magic formula for this - it is a daily act in trusting Jesus Christ whom is all - powerful God, whom promises never to forsake us to alway's love us No matter how unlovable people we are in turn which makes us very unstable we are in our life today. _____________________________________________________________________________ The Bottom Line : In this letter the Apostle Paul introduced himself as a slave of Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul was a Roman citizen; for him to be choosing a life of salvery was very unthinkable. But Paul demonstrates the tpe of humility and his dependences upon God. He has demonstraed his own helpness that he has in which he needed Jesus Christ in his very own life. Only when we joyfully submit self unto God's will we then become an overcomer in the Lord Jesus Christ. We all have failed in many ways and what shame it brings upon us as a person. We become ashamed of one's own past failures, bad habits, or even some tpye of abuse we have suffered by the hands of other's that has or presently have around us in heading toward the road that leads to freedom. The Apostle Paul shares with us such very important wonderful "Good New's " of Jesus Christ is that power to deliever and transform our lives when we totaly surrender unto him all of those shamful things that has or had taken place, the good newsof one salvation in surendering unto the Lord is rewarding and all that we had been through makes a life worth living by knowing Jesus Christ in a very personal way as we walk in him daily. When we refuse to admit to God of one's own powerlessness and hold - on to self - sufficiency, we follow things that has under a heaviness that leads towards a down ward paths that leads us to complusive addctions that sin is hiden until something brings it all to the surface of it all. When we see what it has done before us is when we then take drastic measures in giving it to Jesus Christ which has been willful out right sins that we have committed.We exchange worship of God for sins in a very willful ways that has been showing up to other people.We can accept it or reject it ! Denial is in the forfront of our lifes what choice will we make? Just then we accept lies or reject it it's a matter of choice in one's own mind and what we do with it is solely up to the individual.Then unmanagability becomes clear, natural concequences to acknowledge God is far from one's own mind. The only way to ever excape this is coming unto God which will help us from having destruction fall away from us in total recognizing God in our own powerlessness and give ourselves unto him in one's own life. catcmo2006


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