Times Of Trouble
In Times Of Trouble : We can Turn this Battle Into A Blessing in our daily Lives! The word Trouble means: 1. To Disturb or Agitate [Troubled Waters] 2. To cause Mental Agaitation to; Worry; harrass; Pertubed; Vex. 3.To Cause Difficulty or An Inconvenience. 5. A State Of Mental Distress, Worry, Calamity, Mishap, Distressing, Difficult Happening, or Situation. 6. A Person, Circumstance, An Event that caused Annoyance, Distress, Dificulty, Public Disturbance, Civil Dis-order. Troubled and hurting people are in dire straights in ones own emotions that tries to create or re-create all kinds of problems deeply within us as human beings whom walks, talks, and works daily and often times enough we struggle through things that has got us all caught up in doing ones best at times in being rid of all of those thing that has caused us those feeling and often times hurt. We say we hath put away but yet it's smoldering away at us and it's like a time bomb of just what it will end-up for us instead only that second will be brought forth to enlighten us to know that we are hurting people more than words can say to one self. They need someone to come alongside them in nurturing and caring way in guiding them in all hopes in then finding that right path to take in moving on in whatever it was that started inside of that person. To enlighten that heavy weight of perhaps , loneiness, broken health, despair. They often need just a simple voice that firmly and gently says " I'm Here now, Don't be afraid." But all to often, however, that comfort doesn't come. Eventually many of us has had to learn that even that best parent, friend, spouse, or employer cannot give us that very personal assurances that we need at that moment do desperately inside of self, or others. Then the next thing we know we begin to seek the Word of God in self, in building self up at these very moments in seeing what He has for us in this moment of time. Yet we know to give out unto our Lord in Hymns and one's Praises just as a freind had suggested to do. As we then put that Praise music on and let the music pentetrate inside of us as wel listened then at once it began to want us to stand -up and sing [Whatever we have playing on a C.D.] and finally began to see God rising -up as we worshipped him and noticed it coming up to great us in His holy Spirit. We've been in the sanctuary of him giving us strength to endure that which was bothering us as it ended we fell to our knees to pray unto the Lord in Him reviving us to make it one more time and yet after a while we just don't have it in us as we had allowed Jesus to take care of it for us as human beings, then we give him all that is within us , in blessing Him, Thanking Him, and glorifying Him in all that He's done for us. Often times enough what comes down to it ; it was just thatt word " fear" that brought it to it's ugly head in the first place. I know that when I read those Psalms it helps me in my own life in getting past that word Trouble in doing all of which I have shared with you in getting to that other side. I made a list of what had started it on down to the finish to allow me to see where I need to go and ultimate goal in finishing this race one more time and knowing that He sent what I needed for that special times in my own life. And lately I've done it over and over again until His time was right inside of this person and all of that trouble that came in like a flood is being drained by the Lord. The Psalms & Ephesians used in these Scriptures . Especially in what's going on inside of my self today. Thank You whom are keeping me in Your Prayers at this time as well as our family as well. We feel the Love that's breaking forth in helping me daily. [Psalm 20:1-13] [Eph.3:20,21]. catcmo2006
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