Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Saturday, August 12, 2006

†Let's Pray Togetherâ€

Hello Precious Family on this internet whom loves our God in one's own life that reaches up to the Lord in everyones prayers for the whole earth upon our God has made. Heavenly Father God of all of creation, Lord of all of this universe, whom is named Alapha & Omega the beginning & the ending of all things which is, & which was, which is to come before the people of all the earth. We thank you and praise your name in everything that was that come forth in our life and those things that are coming forth in our life for which you have provided us with with in all of your provisions that comes our way in everyones life today.Father God , we trust you, worship you, abide in you, our hope is alway's in you even when things look the darkest in our lives but your heavenly light just shines the before us so we will make it through our many battles, storms, trials that comes our way to see us through it all. For you keep us very safe and secure hidden beneath your wings which covers many multitudes of people that comes before you in those outstretched arms that holds us so tight that cannot be moved.For one day that we want to see you are that man whom suffered and died for us all in all of this earth. Yes ! We know that one day we will see you Jesus ! We standing with those multitudes of people that are praying for our enemies, whom live in such heavy darkness and do not know those rights and wrongs. We are asking you to intervene in those lives, change the evilness and very unloving ways , thoughts, actions, emotions so they can behold you in those very lives in changing those lives and turn unto you as thier mighty true God as those veils have been lifted before those very tired eyes which shows your divine love, devotion, and all hope that's before them today which profoundly changesof those broken lives in having such profound revelations of our most High God in all the universe of the world. As broken people whom weeps before you will live eternally with you in being in you like never before in ones life.Compeletly turn those multitudes of people hearts and lives which bring on changes of what they were to whom you are in the most Holy Scriptures that beyond compare that others may see it before them.Send in the harvesters so they can carry your plans and designs out unto the fields and keep them safe from all of harms ways that literally wants to destroys their life. Keep them safe under you wings that is your mighty, mighty arms that holds them tight and very secure in being set free in living the life of that heavenly home that when all danger approaches that they have means and ways of escape before you with out any harm that comes thier way,block any deceit of thoughts of those adversary that all escape routes are clear in all passages to make it to those next places which leads to home, food, shelters, clothes, those necessities thats needed in those lives of the multitudes thats in the harvest field. For in for- front of those lives they are prisioners in all eyes of the enemy but as you are thier spiritual authority whom unlocks all doors as you have given the path to move upon in them in all places of service of your holy ghost power that moves mountains as they speak your words in accessing freedom before them that you have granted them today. For absolutly is nothing is impossible unto you mighty God .Simply because they overcame them all adversaries by the blood of the lamb and by the word of thier testimony, and they loved not thier lives unto death only because they all know whom where their heavenly home awaits them that's before them today.Glory,glory hallelujah ! Unto the Lamb of God. Praise You Jehovah God ! For You hath literally destroyed all darkness before them.For all share in that mighty triumphs by the hands of you Father God. For your word promises you'll be our God, if we will be your people-- Father God we trust you -- you are our God and our Lord and savior and we are in that very strong covenant with you as we are your people of the earth of which you have made and as well as your disciples whom adore you, love to love you, obey you, and abide in your weapons that holds us at all times day -- or -- night. Thank You sweet precious Jesus Christ that our Yehweh- Tsidkenu, Yehweh - Jireh, Nissi,Rohi,Shamma, Mekaddesh,Sabaoth,Shaddai,EL-Elyon, El-Olam, El-Berith, El-Roi, Elohim that reigns. For we up-hold you forever more, Father that goes for us as well in our daily lives whom have strength, love, everlasting hope that only you can give unto us as we sing a new song brand new each mornings and every new day knowing that one day soon we will ride with you. What a glorious event that will be for your children.For we lift you up in our most sincere hearts.For thier is alway's a hunger in our hearts in recieving you as we bow down before your throne. It's always about you! As we praise you ! For you are wonderful mighty God. Your grace is plentiful !You are powerful ! incomprehensible! incredible! For you are our God that reigns forever and ever and You are all we need. For your love radiates in us. For your love amazes me! Were here just to tell you how wonderful you are unto us alway's and forever. I thank you for your divine appointments that carries us in beholding you in our very lives today . Father we ask in the name of Jesus we rebuke all demonic forces that will try to come up against us in our lives and the lives of our children and family members,friends in canceling any plots, assignments, thoughts, desires, health, finances, automobiles, scooters, jobs any sanctuaries, that tries to come against any of us because he hasn"t that reigning victory power that you have that's in our lives.You are our victory that shines before us each and every day that we are blessed enough to awaken each and everyday. Touch every life that read this prayer today and send your powerful anointing oil in pourng it among your people to each individual in beholding you eternally in all lives and send your angles around them in those homes knowing your with them that is far reaching unto the ends of the earth. Father perform your mighty working miracle power that shines brightly inside each of us as your vessels in whom are people of whom stands in you that only you can touch. Comfort them, and all family, friends, whether pastors, firemen,doctors,men and women whom are in those many wars that are being fought today and thier families, policemen, goverment, state officals all walks of your earth simply because you are our God in your most precious Holy Scriptures that we deeply love in waiting on your kingdom that is coming for us all that shines through all outter darkness of the earth. May your laws come forth upon this land of which it stands that we uphold so dearly unto the God we serve.Forever our God is faithful, so strong and it rises in that setting son that endures forever. For he is with us he is our God whom reigns. We ask this in Jesus"Name. Amen.He asked life of thee, and thou gavest it him, even length of days for ever and ever. Psalm 21:48The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.Psalm 121:8As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.Psalm 133:3
He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it.Isaiah 25:8I said, O my God, take me not away in the midst of my days: thy years are throughout all generations.

25Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.

26They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed:

27But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.Psalm 102: 24-27 catcmo2006


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