Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Tisha b' Av: A Tragic and Peculiar Day

This Wednesday, August 2, at sundown, many in Israel will fast during what is noted as the darkest day on the Hebrew calendar. Tisha b' Av. (The 9th day of the month of "Av").

The 9th of Av is a tremendously sobering day in the Jewish collective mind. And unless you are prone to believe in coincidence or chance, the following information should lead you to pray for the peace of Israel. The Bible instructs us, as Christians, to continually pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalms 122:6)

Consider the following tragic events that have transpired on this dark and sad day in Jewish history:

  • "It was on this day that the twelve spies were sent by Moses to observe the land of Canaan." (1) The bad report from ten of the spies caused fear and disillusionment amongst the Hebrew people, which led to their extended vacation in the wilderness for forty years.

  • In 586 B.C., the First Temple was destroyed by the invading Babylonians and the Hebrews were taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar for a period of 70 years.

  • In 70 A.D., the 10th legion of Rome, under Titus Vespasian, destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem thus fulfilling Jesus' prophetic proclamations (Matt. 24:1-2) which led to the exile of the Jewish people from their homeland until May 1948 when the modern state of Israel was regathered, thus fulfilling another ancient prophecy (Ezekiel 36-39).

  • The declaration of the crusades by Pope Urban II in 1095 A.D.

  • The signing of an edict by King Edward I in 1290 effectively expelling the Jewish people from England.

  • In 1492, the order to banish Spain's large Jewish community was issued in the Alhambra decree.

  • World War I officially began on the ninth day of Av in 1914.

  • The first mass murders at the Nazi death camp, Treblinka, took place in 1942

    A Call to Prayer and Fasting

    The Israeli state is currently under tremendous global pressure to stop defending itself from the onslaught of radical Muslims who deeply desire the destruction of the Jewish state. Time will tell where everything is heading. But we know one thing for certain. The Eternal King of Israel, Jesus Christ, will return soon for His own at the Rapture and will later make war against the nations who have desired and sought Israel's destruction. The plan of God cannot be thwarted forever. Come, Lord Jesus!

    Jerry Robinson Ministries is advocating a time of fasting and prayer with our Jewish brothers and sisters in their time of distress and mourning. We will conduct this fast from sundown Tuesday to sundown Wednesday. If you like to join us, please contact us here.

    "If I forget thee, Jerusalem Let my right hand forget her cunning Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth If I remember thee not If I set not Jerusalem Above my chiefest joy." (Psalms 137:5,6 KJV)


  • Dividing the Land of Israel

    The date has been set for August 17. This is the date that the fragile Israeli government claims it will begin withdrawing from the Gaza strip and the Northern West Bank. A Mideast visit by U.S. Secretary of

    State Condi Rice this week will attempt to enforce this date and to keep Israel locked into its scheduled pullout. U.S. policy still appears dead set on dividing the land of Israel.

    While the region has nearly reached its boiling point in recent weeks, things could get even uglier as the pullout date looms on the horizon. As I have been reporting, it is possible that the Israeli government may unleash its military forces against Israeli citizens who disagree to go along with the disengagement as planned. As our friend, David Dolan stated recently in his latest news update from Israel: "Without exaggeration, I can testify that the situation is as explosive as I have ever seen in my nearly 25 years living and reporting in Israel."

    It is becoming clear that the people of God need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem as never before!

    Israel Betrayed

    From a political standpoint, the pullout is a raw deal. Israel has made concession after concession with their Palestinian neighbors and has little to show for it except piles of dead bodies and a thriving prosthetics industry. Israel is being betrayed.

    From a moral standpoint, the pullout is ludicrous. Anyone with an unbiased knowledge of the history of the Middle East understands that the Arabs will never peacefully coexist with Israel -- NEVER. The Muslim goals are crystal clear: Destroy the Jews, conquer the infidel, and spread Allah's glory throughout the earth. Don't kid yourself and don't believe the media hyped garbage being shoved down your throats by the politically correct networks and media outlets: Islam is not a religion of peace, and it never will be.

    From a religious standpoint, to say the pullout is heretical is an understatement. Long before our present self-important world leaders were around, God made an everlasting covenant with a man named Abraham. This covenant is recorded and explained in Gen. 12:1-3; 13:14-17; 15:1-18; 17:1-18. This covenant makes it clear that the land in question belongs to the nation of Israel. This covenant has not been forgotten by God. In fact, this covenant is called "eternal" in Gen. 17:7,13,19; 1 Chron. 16:17; Ps. 105.10.

    Besides, even if the Jews wanted to give away the land they couldn't really. Why? Because the land is not theirs to give away to begin with.

    'The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants. -- Leviticus 25:23 (NIV)

    God makes it very clear in Leviticus that the land is not to be given away or sold. Just as one would think it ridiculous if a renter tried to sell his apartment, it is ridiculous for Israel or any other nation to attempt to give away what God has clearly given to the Jews.

    Body of Christ, do you understand the day and hour in which have found yourself? Are you aware of what lies just directly ahead from here? Rise up, and pray for God's 'kingdom to come.' Jesus, when instructing his disciples on how to pray, told them to pray "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven." According to Jesus himself. we are to pray for the return of Christ! We are to long for it and expectantly await it!

    In Paul's final letter he states:

    "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." -- 2 Timothy 4:8 (KJV)

    A crown of righteousness awaits all of us who lovingly long for the return of Christ! Awake and arise, Church! Your redemption draws nearer than ever before!

    DAVID DOLAN is a Jerusalem-based author and journalist who has lived in Israel since 1980. His new DVD, titled “FOR ZIONS’S SAKE—REPORTING FROM THE LAND OF THE BIBLE,” will be released soon on both PAL and NTCS versions. Details will be posted at his web site,

  • HOLY WAR FOR THE PROMISED LAND (Broadman & Holman), his latest book, is an overview of the history of the Israel and of the bitter Arab-Israeli conflict that rages there, plus some autobiographical details about the author’s experiences living in the land since 1980. It especially examines the important role that militant Islam plays in the conflict.

  • ISRAEL IN CRISIS: WHAT LIES AHEAD? (Baker/Revell), which examines the political and biblical prospects for a regional attack upon Israel, settlement in the disputed territories, and related topics, is also available for purchase, along with an updated edition of his end-time novel, THE END OF DAYS (21st Century Press).

    You may order these books at a special discount price by visiting his web site at, or by phoning 888-890-6938 in North America, or by e mail at:


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