Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Spirit Of Divination And Famliliar Spirits

The Spirit Of Divination And Spirits Same demons, same old tricks, new window dressings: The Apostle Paul encountered this spirit in Maccedoina. A damsel followed them about possessed by a spirit of divination and grieved him, so he cast it out. (Acts 16:16). King Saul consulted with a withch, and oaid with his own life and his sons too. (1Sam.28:7-25) God hates sorcery because it causes people to seek answers from Satanic sources rather than seeking God and His word. Satan twist God's truth to decive people, even God's own people. He twisted the truth in the garden of Eden and he's still doing it today. [Gen.3:1-7) He can and will enter into those he has decieved and cause them to betray the Lord, as he did Christ's disciples, Judas,(Luke 22:23). I know many people who call themselves Christians, who participate in this kinds of practices but sadly enough they are very much decieved, for light and darkness cannot have fellowship. C.F.Lewis wrote this warning: There are two equals and expposite errors into which one race can fall about the devils, and to fell an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. ______________________________________________________________ The new paradigm, an agenda being pushed by feminists, the New World Order (NWO), The United Nations, The New Age and Ancient,pagan religions, Disney, cults etc. Old Paradigm New Paradigm 1. Truth Social & pagan myths 2. Facts Feeling & experience 3. Observation Imagination 4. Logic Speculation 5. Science Politicized pseudo - science 6. Reality Fantansy 7. Factual history Storytelling 8.The Bible Imagination or experience
9. Spirit given insights Experience or Imagination 10. Experiences that scriptures affirm the scriptures 11. God is personal God is pantheistic, in everything not personal 12. Good and evil, are incompatible 13. The Bible reveals reality Feelings and experience reality 14. Trusting God is the key to success Trusting one's inner god-self is the key to success 15. Knowing God's Will Knowing divine self 16.Finding God's Will Getting in touch with one's feelings 17. Loving God -- Loving self -- then others 18. Oness with God and other Christians Unity in everything 19. Love sinners; hate sin Tolerance for anything, (except in tolerance 20. Sin is seperation from God Sin is serperation from spiritual forces in nature. A friends actual story about a [Witch] name Betty : I only wish I had been saved and known the Word when I[let's call this lady Dee] encountered the spirit of divination. I was in Little Rock, in an open state of anticipation, after some recent experiences with the occult. A waitress in the club in town where a band played and they all had a meeting , where she had hinted supernatural events had taken place . A friend went out of ones curiosity but stood in the lobby, unable to enter the room where everyone had gathered around a individual laying on a pallet. A person whom name is betty whom as this person was standing had approached her and said," As you stood there, I saw you in a past life, in a long flowing robe. You are a muscian in a temple but you were killed, and you have come bck to your full destiny," This person was taken way aback, but nintrigued. She had asked this woman what was going on in the other room and she stated they were appling the green healing light to a man to heal him. Betty had agreed to listen to Dee sing and when she did Betty had mentioned and insisted that she saw an auras on Dee's brother and Dee. She had taught De astral travles about regression and projected through hypnosis. She would hypnnotize people and take them back into the past and the future. In the future they would invariably see war and destruction. ( One of her incomes on this side was selling survival equipment for the goverment. Of course, she had asked Dee to come visit her "Church". So one sunday morning, Dee wnt to Betty's church and of course Dee was asked to sing. Dee assumed it was a Christian church, so she had sung "Amazing Grace", which they loved. Then they held hands; and prayed to impart the " power" to Dee. Without Dee's permission or knowledge, Dee had become thier chalice [ A person who is a receptacle for holding demons). It didn't occure to her until later, when she started having mental and emotional problems, there were 13 of them, and they were a coven of withches. Betty had really liked Dee's brother and was fascinated by his muscial talents, so she had him over to a friends home with a grand piano. She hypnotized him and guided him to visit the room where she claimed all the music for all time was stored. She instructed him to get the music and play it. He did so and it sounded like Mozart, but like Dee had never heard. Sure enough, He said Mozart's name was on the piece. She took a piece of music to Dee's brother and her had writen and offered it up to "god" in a ceremony of fire. Dee truly believes she wanted to use both family members muscial gifts as a channel to possess others through the medium of music. There was an incredible amount of total deception going on with this woman named [Betty] , and dee & brother was "betty's" ripe target because of curiosty and openness. Many peple get drawn into these deceptions are never able to excape the bondage. I's gilittering and enticing counterfeit for the true gifts of the Living God. The hunger in Dee' heart was real. God himself placed it there, but Dee had turned her back on Him because of one's very unpleasant childhood experiences. The past lives, auras, hypnosis, astral projection, green healing light,soulish prayers, transfer of evil spirits, covens and guided imagery are part of easteren pagan religion, new agereligion and witchcraft . Although Betty always pretending to be caring and helpful, she was truly a servant of satan, operating in spirits of divination, familiar spirits, socery, rebellion, deception, lying spirit, etc. Dee was grotesquely defiled after her asscoiation with her being around her life. Thank God her and her band had moved to another engaement in another town, or Betty would have wrapped herself all over Dee and the band even tighter in the coils of a Python Spirit
. STRICTLY Forbidden Practices : 1. Fortuneteller, soothsayer: (Micah 5:12;Is.2:6). 2. Warlock, wizards, charmers, witch, sorcerer: [Ex.22:18]. 3. Rebellion : [ 1 Sam.15:23]. 4. Stargazer, astologers, zodiac, horoscopes: [ Is.47:13; Lev.19:26; Jer.10:2]. 5. Hypnotist, enchanter : There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire (sacrifice them in fire), or that useth divination ( fortuntelling, revealing occult knowledge], or an observer of times [astrologer, with soothsayer, one who fortells events], or an enchanter [augur, or reads signs and omens by divnation], or a witch [woman who practices sorcery and has dealing with the devil, Or a charmer[ one who cast spells], or a consulter with familiar spirits [ mediums acts as a channel of communication between this world and the spirit world], or a wizard [male spiritist], or a necromancer [ one who calls up the dead and consults with them]. For All that do these things are an Abomination unto the Lord (Deut.18:10,11; Is.19:3]. 6. Drugs (Pharmakos, Greek) : [ Gal.5:20 ; Rev.9:21,18,23; 8; 22:15]. 7. Water witching , divining rods, dousing stocks, staff : [Hosea 4:12]. 8. Magic : [Ex.7:11:7 :9:11]. 9. Prognostication : [ Is. 47:13]. 10. Mediums , Spiritist : [ 1 Sam. 2:8]. 11. Clairvoyant : [ 1Sam.28:7,8]. 12. Yoga : [ Jer. 29:8]. 13. Peeping and muttering : [ Is.8:19 ;29:4 ;59:3]. 14. Passive mind, dreamers : [Jer.23:16,25, 32:27:9,10]. 15. False Prophecy : [ Is.8:19 ;29:4]. For the wrath of God is reveled from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness. [Rom.1:18]. Now the works of the flesh are manifest... idoltary, witchcraft... which do such things shall not inhet the kingdom of God. [ Gal.5:19,21]. For ye were sometimes in darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord; walk as children of light ... [Eph.5:8]. And ye have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. [Gal.5:11].If you have or having some involvement in any of these above Occult practices, or used crystles as talisman or vibrations, crystle gazing [ a seer who reads crystle ball], pyramids, good luck charms, amullets, talismans, fetishes, ankh, unicorn, animal enery stones, Indian jewelry with religious symbols on it, dream catcher [ a native American fettish that catches and supports dreams and beliefs], angel worship, African mask and religious artifacts from other countries [ they allow witch doctors to pronounce incantations over objects in their factories in foreign countries], occult practices in boys & girl scouts such as Micasay, talking to the Indian " great spirit," even childhood games such as speaking incantations and peeling an apple in front of a mirror, you NEED TO REPENT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------New Age religion is the ultimate eclectic religion of self. If it feels good, do it. They don't allow the focus on the Judeo- christian religion with one God simply isn't enough for them. Some other cults that do accept Jesus Christ as the one true savior, and to be strictly advoided are: animism ( the belief that inamiate objects are alive and have souls : some people pray to trees and rocks, such as the movie "Pocahontas". Rosicruciansim, Jehovah Witness, Mormanism, theosophy, Christian Science,neo-paganism, pantheism, [ the belief that all is god, god is everything in nature], monism [ all is one, all things are connected], polytheism [many gods, everything is sacred and can be worshipped; animals, rocks,trees, etc.], paganism [ trusting in the occult wisdom and powers, rituals simliar throughout world], neo- paganism [ idealized] blends of old pagan religions : believe in spiritual forces link everyone to every part in nature], Buddhism, Jungian psychology, Kali worship, Sopia ( goddess) worship , great spirit worship, Hindusim, Marxism, feminism, communism, socialism,sun worship, [ sun god reigned supreme as all powerful source of life and wisdom, requiring human sacrifice],ancestor worship, Genosticism [ holiness and salvation through mystical knowledge, not through Jesus Christ]. Acient Tibetan religions' new - age followers employ "tulpa" the ability to materlize actual breathing beings. The Chinese "c'hi," the Hindue "prana," and the Hawaiian " Manna" form the"energy" central to magic, and are the energy behind Chines acupuncture, Hindu yoga, and psychic healings. Cabala, ancient, esoteric, santanist cult that grew out of a mystical interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures, is a group who handed down thier doctrines orally to perserve secrecy. ( Occult implies hidden ). Their doctrine, sephiroth, states that God's attributes are actual begins that emanate from Him. It is a mixture of Pantheism and Judeo - Christian doctrine : Gos is impersonal and uncaring. Cabala decodes scripture with notarikon, a system of using the first letter of a word in a sentence to form new words. They also use themurah, simliar to crytomgram, where one letter is substituted for another, making codes. Cabalist attach great significance to words that appear by chance. They also use gematria. They twist this number system by using it as a way to interpret scriptures. Cabalist see the Word of God as a riddle to be deciphered rather than the truth to be Obeyed. The people of the Apostle Paul's day did the same foolish thing that people of today participate in. They even used some of the same names and rituals. God warned us in HIS Word what would happen to those who practiced any form of ungodliness. The Foolisness of Pagan Religion: 1. They become futile in thier thoughts. 2. Their follish hearts are darkened. 3. Professing to be wise they become fools. 4. Become vain ( conceitted ) in thier imaginations. 5. They hold (back) the truth of unrighteousness. 6. Failed to glorify God, though they knew Him. 7. Changed the truth to a lie. 8. Unthankful toward God. 9. Worshipped the creature, and creation, rather than the Creator. 10. Have pleasure in unrighteousness. 11. Dishonor their own bodies. 12. God gave them up to vile affections [ passions]. 13. They became lesbians and homosexuals. 14. God gave them over to reprobate { Vines]'s, adokimos} mind: refusing to have God in thier knowledge, men whose moral sense is perverted, whose minds are beclouded with thier own speculations.) 15. Then they became filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; filled with all envy. murder, debate, (strife), deciet,malignity (Vine's, kakoetheta: meaning bab manner of character, evil disposition that puts the worst light on everything, malice, malevolence): whispers (Vines, Psithuristes : occurs in an evil sense), backbitters, haters of God, despiteful, (insolent), proud, boasters, inventors of ewvil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant -breakers, without natural effections, implacable (Vines, aspondos : indicates one who won't enter into a covenant), unmericful. God's Antidote For Purposely Rejecting Him : (Rom.1:18-32) 1. They are without excuse: God had shown them the truth. 2. Their error is multiplied back to them. 3. They WILL suffer judgement. 4. The wrath of God is revealed against ALL ungodliness and unrighteousness. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubborness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the Word of the Lord, He hath also rejected thee.. ( 1Sam.15:23). Other demonic practices and beliefs are yoga, transcendental meditation ( TM: REPTiTION OF A CERTAIN WORD IS REALLY A NAME OF A DEMON -- Calling him to posses you ), extrasenory perception ( ESP), mental bending ( actually a demon doing it ), clairvoyance, casting spells, psychic, poltergeists, parapsychology, ( the study og occult phenomena and demonic manifestations), omens, the fourth instinct ( a spiritual force that transform and supposedly evolves the person ), spiritists, reincarnation, voodoo, astral projection ) that travels of the spirit outside the body), obession with ghosts or funiture moving by invisiable means, channeling, automatic writing, seances, hexes, curses, bewitching ( to influence by withcraft and put under a spell), satanism, ritual exorcism ( some exorcism is actually santanic rituals and completely ineffective; it may actually cause the person to be more demonized), other strictly forbidden practices are rhabdomacy ( dividnation by means of a wand or a stick), spiritism or spiritualsim, white or balck magic, potions, superstitions, hypnosis, occult mysticism, cocain, and other mind- altering drugs, mind - readers, internal trance, inspiration or direct second sight, passive -mind states trance channeling goddess worship, globalism, holistic, healing, kundalini ( chakras of kundalini yoga use a sexual ritual that joins the sacred female forcw to the male force), third eye, vampirism, regression therapy, snake power, spirit guides, universal consciencness, wheel oflife, Wicca, witchraft, ying, yang, tai, martial arts, human potential movement or humanism, saving the enviorment or enviromentalism or green peace movement. ( While a reasonable effort to protect the enviorment is all right, the true nature of this movement religion preterable to Christianity). Familiar spirits pass from one generation to another. Christians may be harrassed by these spirits who believe they have the family rights through blood lines. Freemansonary ( a satanic pagan religion). Ouja Boards, levitation, Dugeons and dragons ( and other Occult games along this line), some Nintendo and computer games are deeply occult. Watching occultT V programs, reading scary or occult books ( such as the popluar "Goose bumps"), horoscopes, and All halloween practices open people up to demonic attacks. Prognostication is reading bones, tea leaves, reading bumbs on the head, entrails of animals etc.: cartomancy ( telling fortunes with tarot cards ), chiromancy detites ), cephalomancy (a black magic practices that uses skull for divination, conjuring (summoning a spirit by incantation ), occult graphology (analysis of character throug handwritting, the United Nations), Firewalking, (supernatural ability to walk on hot coals without pain or damage, done in hypnotic trance). Magic in Any form, white or black, even if done as a seemingly innocent game is an abomination to God. Much secular music has ungodly themes that create an open door for satanic attacks on the istener. Smash the occult objects to bits and totally destroy everything into tiny bits them and throw it all out the door of your home. If possible literall burn them all up. The value, no matter how high, it is Not worth it especially if you had paid a high price ... Your own soul is more worth it to family member whom loves you and want you to have eternal life with them in God's kingdom. And many that believed came, and confessed, and showed thier deeds. Many of them used curious (magic) atrs brought thier books together, and burned them before all men : and they counted the price of them, and found 50 pieces of silver. [Acts 19:18,19). If YOU have engaged in any of these or any other occult activites, YOU have opened the door to demonic strongholds in your life and whom lives with you as well. Delieverance is about closing these doors to the occult. DO THIS OUTLOUD ! Steps to take for deliverance: 1. Realize that All practices are sin. 2. Repent Now ! Ask for strength and power to break away from bondage. 3. Renounce YOUR involvement in each Occult and Psychic practice. 4. Ask God to forgive You and wash You in the blood of Jesus. 5. Break away any ungodly soul -ties You may have to All of these orginazations or objects. 6. Bind the strongman and break off each sin and subsquent strong hold in Jesus 'Name. Destroy All talismans and occult jewelry, art objects, cards by the fire and anything that other maaterials connected with the occult. [ If possible]. 7. Accept Jesus Christ as Your savior. 8. Forgive people whom led You to these practices and pray for thier salvation. 9. Ask God to fill You with His Holy Spirit. [Eph.5:18]. 10. Fill Your mind with scriptures by reading and studing the Word of God [Gal.3:16]. 11. Witness to others involved in these practices; they to can be delievered. catcmo2006


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