And Take The Helmet Of Salvation
And Take The Helmet Of Salvation The Roman Helmet protected the head and bore the insignia of the solider's army. Does your helmet clearly show what your army that you belong to? The helmet of Salvation protects us from attacks of Satan against our minds (1Thess. 5:8). Attacks on the mind are a huge part of the enemy's arsenal. We must be alert to spiritual attacks of depression, anger, revenge, bitterness, eveil thoughts, dwelling on problems etc. God wants us impart the mindof Christ ! So often we fill our thought life with junk. We all have our excuses for what we allow ourselves to see and hear, but what we need to concentrate, insted on the "good new's" . We become enemies of God when our minds are full of evil in thoughts, and images (Col.1:21).Smithwiggles Worth, one of the greates evanglist, did many miracles and exploits for his God. The only book he ever read was the Bible. He refused to even ride in a car for 15 minutes without talking about Jesus, and He enver allowed even so much as a new's paper to enter his own home. He knew the secrets of success was to kep his mind unpolluted with worldly thoughts, and to fill instead, with God 's Word. Smith had thousands of miracles in his ministry because he knew Hid God intimately with No obstacles hindering his ability to hear God's voice. I believe we do clogg our pipline to God with an enormous amount of necessary information. We allow our own reasoning to get in the way so, often, we end -up resisting God, instead of the devil. God uses the foolish things of the world to co-found the wise (1Cor.1:27). Let's stop worrying about what people think, or how foolish we look, and step-out in great exploits for God, bringingglory to His name (Mk.16:15 -20).
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. ( Rom.8:6-8). Rom 12:2 exhorts us not to be comformes to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We do this by reading God's Word, and through prayer. In the Book of Acts people were filled with the Holy Ghost again and again (Acts. 4:31). We need a fresh - in - filling for boldness in the last great move of God. Those whom are boastful or filled with pride will miss God; those whom demand that God fit into their finite religious boxes will miss out on God. Salvation comes in the person of Jesus Christ. There is No other path by which we may be saved. We must fill our minds with the Word of GOD, Which perserves to protect our minds ( 1Thess.5:8,9), Salvation is a free gift, but it is a choice YOU have to make. Let's put on the helmet of salvation Right Now ! catcmo2006
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. ( Rom.8:6-8). Rom 12:2 exhorts us not to be comformes to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We do this by reading God's Word, and through prayer. In the Book of Acts people were filled with the Holy Ghost again and again (Acts. 4:31). We need a fresh - in - filling for boldness in the last great move of God. Those whom are boastful or filled with pride will miss God; those whom demand that God fit into their finite religious boxes will miss out on God. Salvation comes in the person of Jesus Christ. There is No other path by which we may be saved. We must fill our minds with the Word of GOD, Which perserves to protect our minds ( 1Thess.5:8,9), Salvation is a free gift, but it is a choice YOU have to make. Let's put on the helmet of salvation Right Now ! catcmo2006
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