Following In Jesus Christ Footsteps

Friday, June 16, 2006

Happy Father's Day !

Father's Day

In the dictionary a father is a man who begets or raises a child. Today let's honor those who nurture and raise their children. We would do well to ignore the shrill accusations of that small group of women who label all men as being oppressive, overbearing and insensitive simply because they are men. Why? Because this nation has a host of fathers who are responsible and caring and their families are doing very well indeed. They love their wives and children and are loved in return.

Many of them follow the teachings of Jesus who chose to identify God himself as the Heavenly Father. In what might be the world's most popular story of all time Jesus described the traits of the ideal father. The story is generally called "The Prodigal Son." but If you will reread it in Luke 15:11-24 it will become clear that Jesus is identifying the father as God and the wayward son as each and every one of us. The traits of the father in the story stand out clearly as follows:

  • A good provider, owning a large farm with hired laborers and an abundance of material possessions with which to care for his family.
  • A generous spirit, giving his son his inheritance before his own death.
  • A deep concern for the welfare of his son who chose to take his wealth and leave home for places unknown.
  • A forgiving father who accepted his son, now broke and repentant, back into the family circle.
  • A loving father who ran to his son, embraced and kissed him and had a banquet to celebrate his return home.

In recent years the importance of the role of the father has been questioned but numerous studies prove that the Father's role is as important as that of the mother. You don't have to review the research to verify this fact. Ask the mother of any successful family and if doubts still linger, ask the single mother who is struggling to fill the role of both father and mother.

Yes, today is the day set aside to honor the many fathers who provide, however modestly, for their families, who are generous, who care deeply for their wives and children, who rejoice when the children learn from their mistakes, and who express their affection freely. If you ask you will also find that most of them get their strength from the relationship they enjoy with their Heavenly Father. As we observe Father's Day, let us pray that the next great revival in America will be for more fathers who fill their roles after the example of the Heavenly Father.

  • He provides us with an earth rich in resources; enough for everyone.
  • He gives us the freedom to make use of all that he has provided.
  • He is concerned for our welfare more deeply then we can imagine.
  • He forgives us when we repent of our many mistakes and accepts us back into full fellowship with Him and His family.
  • He blesses us every day with his love because, as the apostle John pointed out, "God Is Love." A Dad is a person
    who is loving and kind,
    And often he knows
    what you have on your mind.
    He's someone who listens,
    suggests, and defends.
    A dad can be one
    of your very best friends!
    He's proud of your triumphs,
    but when things go wrong,
    A dad can be patient
    and helpful and strong
    In all that you do,
    a dad's love plays a part.
    There's always a place for him
    deep in your heart.
    And each year that passes,
    you're even more glad,
    More grateful and proud
    just to call him your dad!
    Thank you, Dad...
    for listening and caring,
    for giving and sharing,
    but, especially, for just being you!
    To all of those Father's whom don't have a family that's may need some kinds words for encourage them and to uplift You on this holiday seasons Happy Father's Day. catcmo2006


This is to My BlessedFamily of God:
Good Morning Precious
Praise the Lord with me ok???
Its so good to be here
with you all this morning;
Join us ok and lets all
sing this little song together ok!
Give thanks with
A greatful heart
Give thanks to the
Holy One
Give thanks because
He's given Jesus Christ
His Son
And now let the weak
Say I am strong
Let the poor
Say I am rich
Because of what the
Lord has done for us

Did you have your coffee? and breakfast yet? We did, and we also prayed and thanked our Lord Jesus for you and all His Mercy and grace each day. What a good God we all serve. I am so very grateful for Jesus Christ, and to be able to share Him with all of you each day; and to be able to pray for you each day. The power of prayer and thanksgiving is in my heart this morning. Part of the power of prayer is the power of thanksgiving and Praise to our Lord and Savior, because there is no powerful living apart from a life of thanksgiving.

Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” (Psalm 150:1-6)
May God take you all to a day of praise , May His mercy and grace flow. In your praises. "Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything but in every circumstances and in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God; (Philippians 4:6). Let's be grateful everyday, and worship Him no matter what is happening. Hope you all have a minute to send a hug, prayer or smile. We all so look forward to hearing from you all, and knowing you are feeling ok, or if you need some prayer please let me know ok.
DearestPrecious Father God:
We humbly come into your presence with
thanksgiving and praise for all your
love and kindness to us.
We come together,
touching and
agreeing for the needs, desires
and blessings of this dear
one in Christ Jesus.
Where there is need of physical and
emotional healing, Lord please heal.
In homes and in hearts, where there
is anguish, fear, torment and
suffering send YOUR Holy Spirit with
peace, deliverance, grace and
mercy. For those with unsaved loved ones,
our spouse, our children and other
family members... for the many
broken homes and marriages, for the many
caught in the web of diverse sins,
(witchcraft, drugs, alcohol, sexual
sins, and various other abominations)
we pray salvation, deliverance and
the power to overcome.
We pray deliverance for the many
suffering poverty, lack, those that
have families and can't meet their
bills; for those in debt and those
in various forms of fiancial stress,
who need a break-through in
finances. Lord God, Father in Heaven,
show forth thy mercy and pour out
showers of financial blessing...
even as we pray.
Protect our loved ones in the military.
Save and protect their souls as
well as their lives.
As we touch and agree right now,
Lord, send forth YOUR ministering
angels with healing, and blessings
in their wings... to every corner of
the earth where YOUR people are
and have need of YOU.We lifting up our leaders in all nations to turn ones life around in come to know you in one's own life and that turn one's nation unto you and whom you are in your precious words unto the way of eternal life in being in you and for them in wanting you more Father God in coming out the darkness and coming unto your light and serving you alway's and forever in pouring out your holy spirit upon each individual's spirit in that wonderful manifestation that brings wholeness that turns them around and to ones faithfulness unto you in by doing rightly before all of people before them in one's nation of people that takes them out of starvation, give them homes,and all that's needed within a home for those people, doctors to heal all wounds that's within all people No matter where they are or how far across this wide world that you have made, children and families in knowing that you are that hope working through those known leaders whom have that abunandce of change come to glory within them that you have done a mighty works in them as a person in ones own life and helping others by the leading of your powr and glory.SO BY SENDING THIS UP TO YOUR HOLY SANCTUARY WE PRAY FOR Peace of Your most precious one in Isreal keep them borders safe and secure from those whom are trying to harm that beauitful place in whom is the apple of your own eyes. we lift them up unto you this day in sneding them our blessing, honor, to perserveing that land to be safe and secure against any enemie attacks that comes there way to be dirverted right back upon those whom sent it , we crush all enemies that lays ahold of your people in the lands protecting families, in those leaders whom are being with you side by side in helping them your truths in all areas of those lives at hand. Thank You Mighty God in your saving grace and that abundances od mercies that only you can hand unto everyone whom loves you and adores you in that abiding personal relationship that comes from ones own heart unto you and we thankyou for everything that will comes and has already come from your heavenly throne room in all things in those areas in one's own growth in coming closer to you Father.
May WE who are now agreeing in
prayer also be in line, in the place and
position to receive the out pouring of this petition.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
Our Lord and Savior, we pray. Amen.