In 2007 The Year of Jubilee
The Whole of the Truth Shall Make You Free
Proclaim Liberty (to preach the whole of the Truth) throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof. Leviticus 25: 10
Jesus said, “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you Free (John 8: 32). In this world of slavery, we find that many a child of God is held under the bondage of unbelief, sin, sickness, corruption, Poverty, and death and so on by the devil because they do not know the Truth about God’s Freedom.
It is our duty to bring them into the knowledge of Truth s! o that t hey too may be able to take up their positions as sons of God against the devil to be delivered into the Glorious Liberty of the Children of God.
True Liberty is the main theme of Scriptural Redemption and as we understand the various aspects of slavery in Physical, Political, Social, Religious and Spiritual realms, we shall also see how marvelously God has given us power to overcome slavery through the sufferings and crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This Liberty is to be proclaimed throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof as also confirmed by the Lord Jesus Christ when He told His disciples before His ascension to go into all the World and preach the Gospel to every creature to set them Free. That is the Power of JUBILEE.
The culmination of every Scriptural Subject is the Redemption of the Body, Soul and Spirit if studied and understood by the help of the Spirit of God. It is the duty of every believer to search the Scriptures and seek the knowledge of the Truth.
May the blessed Holy Spirit of God loosen you from every form of bondage to go forth with the power of His might as the sun goes forth in his might. God bless you.
“And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family” (Leviticus 25: 10)
The word JUBILEE is widely used by people of various walks of life. People celebrate Silver, Golden and Diamond Jubilees. Jubilee not only represents great joy and festivity, but also in a true sense, brings Liberty which causes the great Joy.
The Israelites left Egypt after 400 years of bondage. God gave them the Land of Canaan for an inheritance and He had commanded them to celebrate the year of Jubilee every 50th year.
On the 10th day of the 7th month of the Jubilee Year, the Trumpet of the Jubilee was to be sounded and Liberty proclaimed throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.
In the year of Jubilee, every man could return unto his possession and family. Provisions had been made for redeeming one’s houses or possessions. Those who were sold out as bond-man and bond-women could go out free in the year of Jubilee. Therefore the year of Jubilee brought Liberty and Freedom to everyone and everything in bondage according to the provisions made when the Trumpet sounded for the Jubilee.
True Significance
Now this has a great significance in our lives and especially in this dispensation. The Bible runs in Types and Shadows. The Old Testament is the shadow of the New Testament and both together form the shadow of a Reality that is to come. If we go along the shadow, we can find the reality.
What then is the real thing that this Jubilee represented? Through the Scriptural Types and Shadows we can find that it represented Redemption in every sense of the Word, including the redemption of our body. Jubilee means, the release.
In the Garden of Eden, man lost the title deed of Redemption and his position with God. Rather he was sold out to the devil and since then he is held under bondage by Satan. That is the reason why we have all these troubles, sins, sickness, death, problems, devil-possessions and so on among the people of God.
In the beginning, everything was perfect and in harmony. After the fall of man, the entire creation has been subject to Vanity. The whole creation is groaning and travailing to be redeemed and delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God and we are waiting for the Redemption of our body (Romans 8: 18-23, Daniel 12:1). That will be the greatest of Jubilees and can be correctly termed as “Jubilee of Jubilees”.
Every 7th year was a Sabbatical year for the Israelites and after 7 Sabbatical years (49 years) came the 50th year which is the Jubilee year. After the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have had 7 Church Ages represented by 7 Sabbatical years in the Bible. At the end of the 7th Church Age, when the Trumpet of Jubilee sounds there is going to be a great Jubilee or Release for the whole creation when this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality. “For the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” (I Corinthians 15: 52).
Slavery – Not of God
Man is sold out to the devil and is in the bondage of unbelief which is the cause of or foundation for every form of slavery that exists under the sun, including those of sin, sickness, confusion, problems, death and so on.
! God is n ot the author of slavery and any form of slavery is of the devil. The devil wants to enslave you, control you and lead you towards destruction. But God wants you to be absolutely free.
The Bible says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4: 7). It is the God-given duty of every true son of God to resist the devil and fight slavery (Revelation 21: 7). It requires the knowledge of Truth as a weapon to fight slavery.
Christ – Way to Freedom
God has made a way for Salvation and Redemption through the Lord Jesus Christ. Nineteen Hundred years back, Jesus Christ bore our sins, curses, diseases, pains and sorrows and did away with them on Calvary .
Jesus Christ bore your sins so you do not have to bear them because you can be forgiven now. He did that for every sinner. That includes you and me too.
He bore your diseases so you do not have to bear them; so you can be healed now. He did that for every sick man. That again includes you and me too.
He bore your curses, pains and sorrows so that you do not have to bear them; so you can be relieved and be blessed now. He did that for every sufferer. That includes you and me too.
He paid all your debts and made a way of deliverance for you. He took your sins and gives you His righteousness NOW (II Corinthians 5: 21). He bore your diseases and gives you His health NOW (Isaiah 53: 4-5). He carried away your weaknesses and gives you His strength NOW. He died for you and gives you His Life NOW (II Corinthians 4: 10). That is the Gospel; and the Truth.
Knowledge of Truth – Sets Free
You do not have to be a slave to sin, sickness pain, sorrow and death anymore. The devil has no more claims upon us and he is a vanquished foe. With the knowledge of what Jesus Christ did on the cross and His power, we too can trample and overcome the devil. If a man knows the Truth of the Gospel and believes it, he will have the power to resist the devil and be Free.
Let us take for instance a few examples. A millionaire died leaving a lot of wealth for his son. The son ignorant of the magnitude of his father’s wealth, ended up as a bonded labourer. When his lawyer contacted him and enlightened him of the vastness of the wealth left by his father, he became the inheritor of that wealth and a free man again.
Many years back, there was no remedy for Diphtheria and many died due to that disease. When the truth about the use of penicillin was discovered and it was introduced as a cure, diphtheria was overcome and many people were set free from death due to diphtheria through the new drug.
In the same way, the knowledge of truth of God’s great Plan of Redemption gives the people the Power to resist the devil and sets them free from every form of bondage. That is why Jesus said, “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you Free” (John 8: 32).
Salvation is an all inclusive Word meaning deliverance, pardon, protection, liberty, health, restoration etc. It is the Christ Life in us. Liberty is The Theme of the Bible which is the written Word of God. God’s Word is the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.
Knowledge is Power
Knowledge of Truth makes one free since the Knowledge of Truth gives you power to overcome and be free. There are many mysteries in the Bible which if understood give power to the believers to overcome. Some of them I give below.
Mystery of the Kingdom of God : You cannot see it until you are born again. The new birth gives us power to become the sons of God and enter the Kingdom (John 3: 3-8).
Mystery of Iniquity: This is the mystery of rebellion against God in which the son of perdition exalts himself above God (II Thessalonians 2: 3-15). The knowledge of this mystery makes us understand the Anti-Christ world system and its deception. This gives us power to overcome and keep away from it.
Mystery of Babylon : Babel is the spirit of confusion. Shows us how subtly this spirit makes people get away from the Word and to be enslaved by the denominational system. Knowledge of this gives us power and strength to keep away from denominational religion and stand alone on the Word of God (Revelation 17: 5-8, 18: 4, II Corinthians 6: 14-18).
Mystery of Resurrection: We shall not all die, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death and death is swallowed up in victory. (I Corinthians 15: 26, 51-57).
Mystery of Godliness: Also can be termed as the Mystery of God. And without controversy great is the mystery of Godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels (messengers) , preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory (I Timothy 3: 16). Knowledge of this secret helps us understand and recognize the Coming of Christ in flesh as Son of David, the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelation 10: 1-7).
Result of Proclamation
Jubilee was announced with Trumpet Sound and Liberty proclaimed so that people could know they were Free. Jesus commanded us to preach the Gospel to every creature, to tell every creature that his sins have been put away, that his diseases have been borne by Christ, and that his pains and sicknesses, guilts and stains have already been laid on Christ. Everyone who hears it and believes it will be saved and healed accordingly.
Salvation is the life of Christ. Salvation is both physical as well as spiritual and includes physical healing as well as forgiveness from sins. Gospel IS the power of God unto salvation to EVERYONE that believeth (Romans 1: 16). That includes you too right now.
When the Gospel is preached, the people come to know the Truth and believe and the Truth shall make them Free. The Truth will make as many people as know it free.
Physical Death to be Overcome
If Calvary caused the Jubilee of Salvation, it also laid the foundation for the greatest of Jubilees awaited by the entire creation when it will be delivered from corruption and our bodies redeemed. We are at the threshold of this Jubilee of Jubilees which when sounded, death will be swallowed up in victory by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ shed on Calvary
In the First Coming of Christ, Jesus came as the Lamb of God, born of a Virgin, shed His blood for us and delivered us from sin. It was not only what He preached but also what He did for us on the cross that saved us from our sins. That was the secret of Salvation (what Christ did – The Act of Christ as Saviour). The disciples of Jesus Christ did not understand it then. After His resurrection, Jesus Christ himself revealed this secret of Salvation to His disciples (Luke 24: 13-49).
&nbs! p; In the Second Coming, Christ comes as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root and Offspring of David with the Book of Redemption open in His hands. This Son of David is to fulfill the Plan of Redemption and finish the Mystery of God. What He does (The Act of Christ, the Son of David as Redeemer) brings us the Redemption and our bodies will be changed because He is the Redeemer. That is the secret of the Seven Thunders of Revelation 10: 1-7. This secret will be known at the time of resurrection when Christ brings the dead saints with Him and our bodies changed (I Thessalonians 4: 14-15, 16, and 17, Job 19: 23-27).
The Bride of Christ – represented by John, the Apostle (Revelation 4:1) – takes the Book (Whole Truth) directly from the hands of Christ, the Mighty Angel and eats it up. When the Bride of Christ assimilate the Truth and understand the Secret of Redemption, they get the overcoming power. They are ready for a Power Ministry as never seen before in which even the missing limbs will be restored by the Glorious Power of the Creator (Revelation 10: 8-11). They will have Power to overcome death, the last enemy.
Believe and Act
Dear Child of God, let the power of God’s Jubilee make you whole as you read this. Believe that your sickness is no more. By His stripes you were healed, that is, already healed. Therefore disease cannot keep you bound any longer because you believe God’s Word. Sickness is of the devil. But Jesus carried it and put it away. Only believe.
Everyone who looked at the Brazen Serpent lived in Moses’ days. Now look to Calvary . It is His will to forgive every repentant sinner and heal him. (“Who forgiveth ALL thine iniquities; who healeth ALL thy diseases” (Psalm 103: 3). Each individual has to repent when he or she hears the proclamation of the Gospel.
Believe the Gospel Now. Act upon it, Now. It will produce God’s power in you Now. Any promise of God can be turned into the power of God to fulfill what it promises by believing that promise enough to act upon it. In other words, you have to believe it enough to act upon it in faith. If Jesus healed the sick yesterday, He can do it today when you believe the Truth about God’s salvation.
“Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free”. “If thou wouldest believe, THOU shalt see the glory of God” (John 11: 40).
Do you believe He took upon Himself personally your diseases, your pains etc? If you believe that, act upon it and refuse to bear them any longer. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. By His stripes you are healed. By His sufferings you are made whole Now. Act on His Word.
Rise Up and Walk
Peter (and John) told the lame man at the gate Beautiful, who asked of them alms, to look on them, and said, “Silver and gold have I none: but such as I have give I thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk” and so saying Peter lifted him up. Immediately the lame man leapt up and stood and walked (Acts 3: 1-10).
Dear Friend, while you read this, I ask you in the name of Christ Jesus of Nazareth, Rise up from your unbelief: Rise up from your sins: Rise up from your sickness: Rise up from death: Rise up from every form of diabolical bondage: and having so risen up: Walk in the way of Faith, Walk in the way of Holiness, Walk in the way of Health, Walk in the way of Life and Walk in the way of Liberty, with the Power of Jubilee which Christ has given us towards Immortality and Perfection.
May this message be a blessing to you to set you free from every bondage to be a partaker of the Jubilee of Jubilees mentioned herein. May the Spirit of God deal with you so that you may understand The True Liberty in a deeper way and that you may understand the Secret of Redemption to overcome death. God bless you. If you have found this message to be a blessing, kindly pass it on to your friends and loved ones.
. The Lord is faithfull, the Lord will increase us more and more. Praise the Lord for raising up a team of faithfull, disciples, committed, anointed helpers, financial supporters for this ministry"VOICE OF PROPHECY INTERNATIONAL AAAAAA" , "SpiritualOneness AAYahoo group" ."Nicholas King"
catcmo2006 Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and other yahoo groups and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.